“October: Brief Encounter”
Pencil,Pastel, & watercolor
OCtober 2023
$200 (please email derrydraw@aol.com or private message if interested in purchase)
And, yes, foxes remain mysterious to me. Which is how I think things should be. The following poem is by Jane Hirschfield:
“Three Foxes by the Edge of the Field at Twilight”
“One ran,
her nose to the ground,
a rusty shadow
neither hunting nor playing.
One stood; sat; lay down; stood again.
One never moved,
except to turn her head a little as we walked.
Finally we drew too close,
and they vanished.
The woods took them back as if they had never been.
I wish I had thought to put my face to the grass.
But we kept walking,
speaking as strangers do when becoming friends.
There is more and more I tell no one,
strangers nor loves.
This slips into the heart
without hurry, as if it had never been.
And yet, among the trees, something has changed.
Something looks back from the trees,
and knows me for who I am.”
           And there you go, when it comes to foxes…….