“In the Wind”
Pencil, pastel, and watercolor
2023 (NFS)
I painted this about two years ago and probably sold it or gave it away (don’t ask me about decisions supposedly made during that period, when I was operating, as I later learned, on diminished brain-oxygen).
In any case, I just re-did the picture (which I like great deal) for myself. One of the things I truly miss about the Webb House are the foxes (What does one call a pack of them?), We had two that lived there in the old, abandoned chick house in the back-forty. They produced a litter every year and would bring their kits out to gambol and play among those 200 year old pecan trees and boxwoods.
Unexpectedly enough, the foxes and the terriers never had a problem with each other. I assume that I kept them all sufficiently well-fed, so that they had no need to eat each other.
For an insight into the title?…..go to a song which I loved, for some reason, when I first heard it at age ten or so: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd2jXsmSaKc