“A Simple Song” (portrait of Julie-Ann Scott-Pollock & Child)
Pencil, pastel, and Watercolor
2024 (NFS)
Julie-Ann can (along with her five children and fine husband) be friended on Facebook. I’ve learned a lot about the current state of teaching (She’s a professor, steadfastly juggling a thousand demands)….and much more.
I began this portrait three days ago, cocked it up twice, and was able pull this one off today. Isn’t she a thoroughbred (I refer to horses), fine-boned beauty…..somehow a cross between Julia Roberts and Isabelle Huppert?
This will, of course, be a gift to Julie Ann and her husband. I was moved to do it after the following (and public) posting by her:
“It’s cerebral palsy awareness month. As a full time working, married, mother of 5, I am an outlier in the diagnosed “moderate” cerebral palsy community where less than half of us have full time employment that allows us to live well independently. Some of my success is hard work, but a lot of it is luck. I was born to parents who made sure I had all the surgical interventions available. I am academically gifted so I was able to earn a PhD and have a flexible career that allows me to spend the 2 hours a day my body requires for mobility. I have an amazing life partner that has adapted his life to support me and my mobility. Still, health insurance costs, the lack of doctors interested in treating adults with CP (practically all the specialists and research is focused on kids), how any promotion to a desk job could hurt my mobility, makes life complicated. We need more support and research for those of us aging with CP. I know we’re not as cute as kids, but CP doesn’t hinder life expectancy and the research into how to age well with CP is lacking. #cpawareness #cpawarenessmonth #cerebralpalsy #cerebralpalsyawareness #cerebralpalsyawareness💚
Go to (This one’s for Julie Ann and her family): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb2q141rMNE