“Oh, Very Young” (Portrait of Jeffrey Kline & grandchild)
Pencil, pastel, and watercolor (commissioned and NFS, of course)
“Well, I think that there are three things that always remain pure…in our human world…. we witness nature, animals, and children….and they seem to have that truthfulness and honesty that, sometime, adults forget and lose along the way…..So, I reckon this world needs children to kind of remind us to know which way we want this world to go……” —-Yusaf Islam/ Cat Stevens. Do, please, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLHCC3geTpc
Unexpectedly enough, I’ve now been commissioned, over the past few years, to paint five different, gruff grandfathers…..patiently allowing their grandbaby to chew up their glasses. It’s always the glasses. Isn’t that just …endearing?? This seems to happen regularly. Old, bachelor/childless me thinks it’s lovely….and do listen to this recent recording……..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLHCC3geTpc