I am (just now, at least) so completely OVER this picture; Lord knows why I thought it would be “fun” to paint a corner of the front room of my Durham house (which, while I love the far-larger, 220 year-old, and far grander Webb House in Hillsborough, I perhaps loved even more….it was my first home & garden, for eight good years).
Still?…..I’ve just finished working on this damn thing after seven hours.  At one point, I was struck by the absurdity of my painting a picture of the large (and very accurate, I’m pleased to admit) painting/copy I made of an Andrew Wyeth painting…since I couldn’t, in those early days, afford art by anyone but myself.
It is ODD, you have to admit, to find yourself copying yourself copying somebody else.
I know….too “Alice in Wonderland” for words to express.
Still?….the flowers are pretty….”Lemon Queen” sunflowers from the snooty-boots White Flower Farms catalogue (which I generally regard as horticultural porn…nice to think about,but not worth the going-price of the actual thing).  These “Lemon Queen” sunflowers are expensive….but,however, WORTH the cost; they really do bloom all summer long, no matter what weather comes along.
watercolor and pastel pencil
12″ x10″